Selling a Company: HSR Law’s first client case study

We’ve been in touch with a happy client who recently instructed HSR Law to assist with the share sale of his company. Here’s what he had to say:

What did you instruct HSR Law for?

For selling a company.

What was important to you when choosing a solicitor?


What was it about HSR Law that made you choose them?

We’ve dealt with HSR Law before when we initially bought the company, so once we knew they were the right people to deal with when we bought the company, we knew full well that they were the right people to help us sell it, too.

Who represented you and how was your experience with them?

Andrew, Jonathan and Clair helped us and they were all absolutely fantastic.

How did you find the sale process from start to finish?

Absolutely horrendous! Not on HSR Law’s part but on the other team solicitors’ part. It was really tough but with Andrew and his team they helped smooth things over so yeah. They earned their money!

Did you hit any roadblocks and if so, how did HSR Law manage this for you?

I’d rather not disclose the specific roadblocks but there were plenty along the way with which Andrew and his team worked tirelessly to iron things out. It was just the other side that were that inflexible it was unbelievable.

Was there anything your solicitor did that stood out to you?

They worked excessive hours on the case which was fantastic because we were dealing with an American buyer and things only start in America at 3pm our time! So Andrew and his team were working late into the night on quite a few occasions to help us out.

And finally, how would you describe your overall experience with HSR Law?

Absolutely wonderful!

Our Corporate and Commercial Solicitors, headed up by Partner Andrew Best, deliver an individually tailored, commercially focused and practical service to help you achieve your goals.

For more details on how we can support you or your business, contact our Corporate and Commercial Law team today.

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