Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes are becoming more and more common between owners of adjoining property.

Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes are becoming more and more common between owners of adjoining property.

It is important that landowners understand the concepts involved and the evidence that is admissible and relevant when determining such disputes. 

The concept of a boundary is that of an invisible line between the properties. The existence of a boundary feature, such as a fence or wall, may present helpful evidence, but is not determinative of the location of the boundary in itself. 

Property line disputes can be expensive: the key is approaching the problem correctly and getting good evidence in place from the outset. It is usually best to obtain independent expert evidence from a qualified RICS surveyor before embarking on Court proceedings. We are happy to prepare such instructions on your behalf. 

Types of boundary disputes

Common legal disputes about boundaries involve:
  • claims to have a right of way
  • the correct location of a fence or wall
  • disputes about shared driveways
  • building works which encroach onto another property
  • issues with trees and overhanging trees
  • rights to light
  • party wall issues.
Contact our Boundary Disputes Team

Have you ever wanted to just ask a lawyer if they can help you, without worrying about what it may cost to contact them? If so, call HSR Law Solicitors and together we can work out what your next steps might be… in confidence, at no cost and with no obligation. Complete our simple form with your name and contact number and we will call you back to discuss how we can help.

Alternatively, contact Katie Williams, Richard Allwood or Odette Tovey directly: our Dispute Resolution specialists.

Your Boundary Disputes Team

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